Sunday, June 6, 2010

One Year in Price

Its certainly been a while since I've posted anything (not that I post much anyway) but its now been one year since we packed up our things and we moved to Beverly. Hills, that is. Oh wait, we didn't move to Beverly Hills - we moved to Price, Utah.
Life certainly isn't what it was 18 months ago when we still lived in Boise, I had a good job and we'd never even heard of Price, Utah but, I can't say things are all that bad. To be honest, we miss our friends in Boise and we miss living in our own house rather than an apartment half the size but, otherwise, we're generally happy.

Here's a quick summary of our 12 months living in Price:
1) I've learned quite a bit at Emery Telcom, am very pleased with my job and have no plans of leaving it any time soon.
2) Leslie has just accepted a position as the Mont Harmon Jr High head volleyball coach for 2010. She loves volleyball and needs something interesting to do so the job should work out really well. I'm glad she'll have something else to balance out the time she spends at home with our children.
3) Haylie has completed her first year of preschool. Haylie loved going to preschool and its wonderful to see her excited about learning and making friends there.
4) Haylie is learning to read! Preschool has certainly helped but, having an elementary school teacher as a mother is moving Haylie right along in the reading department. She's already able to read many three letter words by sounding them out and can sight read larger words that she sees often.
5) Zander mastered walking right after we moved to Price and he's quite the runner now. He's getting quite good with steps as well. Watching Zander running and laughing, especially when he's chasing or being chased by his sister, is definitely a highlight for me.
6) Zander has become a chatterbox! Like everything else he's learned, it seemed like Zander was behind other kids his age (seriously - he was 9 months old before he rolled over!) and then he just really took off. At 2 years and 2 months old, Zander isn't stringing together two or three words, he's using four or five words and making whole sentences.
7) Zander and I had matching mohawks for a few days! I gave Zander a mohawk when his hair stopped being permanently easy and cute and then, after many people at church loved his but wondered where mine was, I decided it would be fun to match and buzzed my own hair.
8) We never did sell our house in Boise but at least rented it out and we don't lose nearly as much money every month.
9) We've made friends in Price and like our ward (LDS church congregation for those who don't know). There's a couple in our ward with kids the same ages as ours and we do a baby sitting swap so that each couple gets a child-free date night once a month.
10) I'm on the company softball team. Though the last time I actually played anything like it was little league (~10 years old), I'm having fun and not embarrassing the company too much. My co-workers are really nice people and we're all just out to have fun. Leslie brings the kids to practice/games and they enjoy watching but also get to play on the playground right next to the softball fields.
11) We took a short, three day family vacation with our great friends the Buhler family from Boise. We spent two days in Moab, UT and some time in Price and Ogden as well. It was GREAT to see them and get to enjoy their company again.
12) I've really gotten into mountain biking. There are a LOT of great trails around Price and I've been out two or three times a week for a while now. Spenser (Buhler) and I even did some mountain biking in Moab as part of our joint family vacation last week. Mountain biking has become so much fun that I'm preparing to sell my dirt bike and get a better bicycle.

Okay, so that wasn't a "quick" summary and I'll surely add more to it later but, I just wanted to cover some of the positive things that have happened during our time in Price.

The primary source of frustration with Price for both myself and Leslie has been housing. We would REALLY like to be living in a house of our own with enough room for all of our furniture and other belongings (rummaging through a storage unit when you need something is no fun) and we'd also like to have a fenced yard with a slide and play set for the kids.

Home prices in Boise continue to decline (some might say plummet) and selling our house for anything close to the loan value is basically impossible. That part is frustrating because we didn't over build or pay some crazy high price for a home in the first place; we build a modest size at a modest price and lived within our means. There are people who bought homes worth double and triple what they could afford and who have now defaulted on loans and been partially responsible for the drop in housing value; sometimes its feels like we're being punished for the irresponsibility of others.

The flip side of the situation is that home prices (I won't say "value") in Price, UT are higher than they should be. 50 and 60 year old homes in dis-repair are costing more than really nice 2 year old homes in Boise. Its been EXTREMELY frustrating for us to view homes that are priced at the top of our range and would still need tens of thousands of dollars for upgrades and repairs. We're just not willing to pay more for a fixer upper than it would cost to build a new home. We've opted to build our savings until we can afford the 20% down payment required to get a construction loan and build our own home. It means a second year in the apartment but, a good apartment you can move out of beats buying a bad home you'll be stuck in!

Well, I suppose that about sums up our first year in Price, UT. I'm in Florida for training this week and have some time to kill in the evenings so expect a few more posts this week.

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