Tuesday, August 9, 2011


On Sunday, while I was changing Zander's diaper (yes, a diaper @ 3 1/2 yrs old because he's stubborn), I asked him to lift his legs and then he belted out "DISGUISE THE BUM." He proceeded to tell me to disguise the bum throughout the diaper change. When we were done, Zander told me he'd be telling the kids in the nursery at church to disguise the bum. I asked him not to. You can guess how that request was taken.
True to his word, when Zander walked into the nursery, his first words were "DISGUISE THE BUM!" I asked him to stop talking about his bum and then explained that he invented that phrase on his own.
Tonight, Zander was enjoying another diaper change and once again exclaimed, "DISGUISE THE BUM!" Right after that, he went into some speech about how he's a hero and his power is to disguise the bum. I really wish he'd warn us that he's going to wax poetic so that we could film those moments.