Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Funny Kids

Haylie and Zander just keep saying funny things. There are usually six or seven great comments from each of them throughout the week but here are three that sprang to mind tonight.

Many nights, Zander gets comes out of his room a few minutes after he goes to bed and asks for a drink or a snack, mostly as a way to stay up later. Last week, he came out and said "I need to go potty in the toilet." I asked, "do you really need to go or are you just trying to stay awake?" Zander answered honestly with, "I'm just trying to stay awake."

This week, Zander attempted to ask for "Go-Gurt" but apparently couldn't remember the name and so he said, "Can I have some yogurt? I mean gobert. I mean, whatever its called." The statement itself wasn't funny but to hear a not quite three year old use "whatever its called" in a sentence was pretty funny.

The next day, while I was changing Zander's diaper (yes, he still wears diapers because he is to stubborn to even try potty training), he lifted both legs high, looked toward his bum and said "hey, why is there a crack?"

While Haylie and Zander and I were driving today (okay, I was driving, they were apparently sitting back there judging), Haylie blurted out, "mom is a terrible driver." I now have some concerns over exactly what Leslie is doing behind the wheel of a car and what Haylie has established as criteria for driving skill.

1 comment:

  1. I told her I just took her on a road trip to Grandma's 3 hours each way and she was perfectly safe the whole way. She couldn't argue with that!
